Thursday, April 17, 2008

Grad School (fill in the blank)!

Ok so don't hit enter before you are ready. It will post.

So just to clear my head and get back to homework, this stuff is hard. I have no idea when I will ever use it since my goal is quite different than what I am learning. However, if I do ever decide to go into Instructional Design, I will be so clueless it won't even be funny. I know in the public education sector, there is not the time to pretest, post test, field study and so on with your target population. Sometimes you just have to create it. It is helpful in theory but since my goal is educational technology I don't see when a teacher has the time to do all of this.

Ok I am done. Back to work....

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What's up with Webkinz

I have been trying to play on webkinz instead of doing homework, and my panda got stuck in a loop and kept blowing kisses at me. Now once or twice it ok but this went on for at least two minutes while I tried to get it to stop. I really should be doing my flash project. - but alas, I procrastinate.

I'm Back

Since my blog ended up on Texas Monthly by some random anonymos poster, I thought I would start blogging again.

Come back for more exciting events in my boring life.